Who Buys Real Estate in Park City, Utah
Below you will find the ranking, location, number of owners, and percentage of homes owned are from that purchase a property in Park City, Utah. The numbers below come from local statistics delivered by county title records.
The percent of ownership appears to be what I would expect except for Florida being at number three and Hawaii being in the top ten. There is often talk about how important marketing globally is for Park City real estate sales but our international sales only account for 1.02% of the market and Mexico is 40% of the international market share. The fact that Mexico owners are 40% of the international owners in Park City is surprising to me because in the past year I've worked with more clients from Australia than any international area. Keep an eye on Australia as more and more citizens want to get their money out of the Australia dollar and into the US dollar.
The information below can be important when marketing homes. When marketing listings I frequently market to the most affluent zip codes in California, Texas, and New York. With this new data I will be including Florida and possibly Mexico. I will be doing more research but my current assumption is that most of these owners come from the Boca Raton / Miami area and the Mexico owners come from Mexico City.
If you have any questions regarding the information or how I differentiate myself by marketing properties to the affluent in different zip codes please call me at 435.200.5478
The Numbers: Remember the first number is the ranking, then the state or location where they are from, followed by the number of owners, and lastly is the percentage of market share.
1 UT 14,700 63.50%
2 CA 2,514 10.90%
3 FL 784 3.40%
4 TX 734 3.20%
5 NY 506 2.20%
6 IL 386 1.70%
7 AZ 299 1.30%
8 NV 241 1.00%
9 HI 217 0.90%
10 NJ 196 0.80%
11 MD 191 0.80%
12 VA 178 0.80%
13 PA 176 0.80%
14 GA 169 0.70%
15 WA 149 0.60%
16 CT 143 0.60%
17 OH 138 0.60%
18 MI 108 0.50%
19 CO 99 0.40%
20 MA 86 0.40%
21 TN 82 0.40%
29 Other States 810 3.50%
TOTAL U.S.A. 22,906 98.98%
Park City property owners tend to live in the United States. There are is a total of 237 Inationaional owners that make up 1.02% of our real estate market. 95 of the international owners are from Mexico which accounts for 40% of the international market.
Posted by Derrik Carlson on
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